Teensy 4.1 Development Board₹2,639.00Price1. ARM Cortex-M7 at 600MHz 2. 1024K RAM (512K is tightly coupled) 3.8 Mbyte Flash (64K reserved for recovery & EEPROM emulation) 4. USB Host Port 5. 2 chips Plus Program Memory 6. 55 Total I/O PinsQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now
Teensy 4.1 Development Board₹2,639.00Price1. ARM Cortex-M7 at 600MHz 2. 1024K RAM (512K is tightly coupled) 3.8 Mbyte Flash (64K reserved for recovery & EEPROM emulation) 4. USB Host Port 5. 2 chips Plus Program Memory 6. 55 Total I/O PinsQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now