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3D Printing Lab by Makerbot

Enhancing Creativity and STEM Learning

The 3D Printing Lab by Ultimaker is a student-focused, advanced lab equipped with state-of-the-art Ultimaker 3D printers and creative educational kits, offering hands-on experiences in digital fabrication, design, and prototyping. It fosters creativity, problem-solving, and technical skills, providing real-world applications of STEM concepts. As an official Ultimaker partner, we bring their high-quality 3D printers and educational kits to schools, inspiring students to think critically. Additionally, educators receive support to seamlessly integrate 3D printing projects into their curriculum.


Benefits of a 3D Printing Lab by Makerbot

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Real-World Skill Building

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Enhances Creativity and Problem-Solving

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 Cross-Disciplinary Applications

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 Portfolio Development

Benefits of Having a Tinkering Lab


NEP 2020 Alignment

The 3D Printing Lab by Makerbot aligns with NEP 2020 by

Promoting Experiential Learning

Developing Future-Ready Skills

Encouraging Innovation

Integration with Core Curriculum

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